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  • Writer's pictureScott Robinson


“Dress warmly and wear your raincoat! It’s going to rain, and it’s very cold out there!”

“I’ll be fine.”

“I’m serious! You’ll catch your death!”

“I’ll be fine, mom! You worry too much.”


“Dress warmly and wear your raincoat! It’s going to rain, and it’s very cold out there!”

“Give it a rest, mom! You said that last time, and it was fine.”

“You’ll catch your death!”

“You’re overreacting!”


“Dress warmly and wear your raincoat! It’s going to rain, and it’s very cold out there!”

“My mom, the alarmist. It’s fine. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’ll catch death!”

“I look like an idiot in that raincoat! Leave me alone.”


“How bad is it, doctor?”

“It’s very serious. We’ll have to keep him a while, and there’s a possibility of permanent damage to his lungs.”

“Can I see him?”

“For a few minutes. He needs rest.”


“How are you feeling, son?”

“Like death warmed over.”

“What did I fucking tell you?”

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