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Writer: Scott RobinsonScott Robinson

It’s not because he’s a bully, pushing and shoving his way through every contact, every relationship, every event in which he finds himself; it’s not that he’s an Authoritarian, intent on dominating everyone around him, even those with whom he should be relaxed and congenial; those are factors, to be sure, but there’s something far worse:

He’s a nincompoop.

Nor is it his staggering dishonesty, his impulsive need to lie about everything to everyone, even when the lie serves no purpose; and it’s not his decades of experience at the art of the con, his deep need to cheat and swindle anyone and everyone for the sake of “winning”; those are factors, to be sure, but there’s something far worse:

He’s a nincompoop.

And it’s not his bigotry, which not only leaks from every pore but binds him with magnet-like force to the basest in his base and provides the core of what little political motivation he has; nor his perverse misogyny, which he parades openly, like a second-tier baboon trying to cuckold the alpha; those are factors, to be sure, but there’s something far worse:

He’s a nincompoop.

You’d think the worst of him is that deeply obscene manipulation he wields, exploiting the basest, most vile instincts of those under his spell, inciting them to turn on their own countrymen, setting fire to their psyches, surfacing their worst fears and igniting them; that’s horrific, but there’s something far worse:

He’s a nincompoop.

We’ve had many leaders in the past who pushed their peers around, pushed other countries around, even pushed us around; we survived them. We’ve been lied to be our leaders in the past; we got through it. We’ve had many an executive who leaned racist, and managed; and Zeus knows we’ve had party hacks in the big chair, stirring up animus against the other side.

This is something else. This is gross incompetence; this is an inability to function even at a bare-minimum level of adequacy to make effective decisions in the moment; this is a lack of preparedness that forecloses any possibility of constructive response; this is a deficit of empathy and fealty to country that truncates any hope that leadership will ever emerge, let alone flourish.

The greatest danger to us all here is not the man’s moral turpitude, nor his deep and disturbing insecurity; it’s that he doesn’t have any idea what he’s doing, at a moment when hundreds of thousands of lives, our economic stability, and our safety as a nation are all hanging in the balance.

This man is a fool, and he’s such a fool he doesn’t realize he’s a fool. This man is ignorant of even the most basic concepts of government; he has no trace of understanding of the role he is playing. He has raised stupidity to an art form. We have a word for such a man:



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