Picard and His Entourage
Part of the fun of Star Trek, for me, is how it teases the futurist in me. When I was a kid, I tried to figure out how the Transporter...
Picard and His Entourage
AI’s Hidden Truths
Ranveer’s Razor
Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations
Trek, Humanism, and Moral Agency
Kirk, Sisko, and Moral Dilemmas
Mirror Universe Me
In Praise of Word Salad
Kubrick's Rubric
It's All Ted Kennedy's Fault!
Old School
Why I Am Not a Conservative
What Comes Next?
Now That the Dog Has Caught the Car, or He Turned Me into a Newt!
My Congressional Resume!
The American President's Crystal Ball
Watching the Dinosaurs Die
The Illiterate Alpha, or Throwing Down on Uncle Scott